

seoxx 12-03 16:52 5次浏览








(答):Pd, I知道只要有号码牌,就可以获得组委会以外其他工作人员的保护。因此,为保障我的女儿安全,我临时决定将番号转让给她。不过,当我失去号牌之后周围就少了一些保护措施。



(答):Pb,d,o,s,I 和 女孩都曾经参与过半程马拉松,却从未尝试过全程,因此在赛前也做好可能无法坚持到底 的心理准备。然而,到达38公里的时候真的撑不住,于是在那一刻乘坐了由裁判驾驶的小电动车离开赛道。

Q: Did the organizing committee have personnel request that your child suspend her race? Were you able to stop it?

(A): I didn't stop it because by then I was completely exhausted and lacked the ability to intervene. I'm not sure if any staff tried to prevent my daughter from continuing; she just told me they noted down her number plate, but at that time I thought it was merely for record-keeping.

Q : After the competition ended , what were your child's thoughts ? ( A ): She felt a little disappointed as her result got canceled . She thinks she may never be able to run marathons again . All I could do was comfort her saying there will still be many opportunities in the future and we can sign up for other competitions now.

< B > Q : Did you expect such great attention on this matter ? < U >( A ) :The truth is no ; incidents like these are quite common within our circle of runners. As for when this heat dies down , it's beyond my control - I'll let nature take its course.

< b >Q: Have you received notification about possible penalties? </span>(a): Not yet.I registered with a running group.The morning after asked their staff regarding notifications,and they said nothing has come through so far.Nevertheless during my daughter's run,a member of organizing team did note our numbers which makes me worry it'll affect our group's participation in upcoming events.</span>>  


  • - 女孩蹭跑父亲全马涉违规,组委会已向田协报告进行处罚; 江西省田协回应女孩蹭跑事件,将严肃处理结果,由组委会公布。
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