

seoxx 12-09 10:21 3次浏览

12月9日讯 在回澳大利亚休假前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访,他对过去一个赛季进行了总结,并坦言新赛季将面临全新的挑战。



穆斯卡特:(笑) 这个问题并不容易回答,因为我们付出了很多努力,也经历了许多令人振奋和快乐的时刻。如果一定要选的话,我会说“骄傲”。尽管这无法全面概括,但我真的为我们在上个赛季取得的成就感到自豪,为所有人所做出的贡献而感到骄傲。





体坛:在整个比赛中,有哪场比赛让你感觉最舒心? < p >< strong > 穆斯卡特: 这是个复杂的问题。一方面,我记忆力有限,总想着未来;另一方面,我们创造了太多美好的瞬间,很难选择。我认为李昂在球门线解围那一幕,是本赛季关键且历史性的瞬间,这让我印象深刻,也是俱乐部创下历史的重要时刻。 < p >< strong > 体坛: 这一整年都是充满挑战。从第一轮开始,由于亚洲杯后众队员带伤归队,情绪受到影响,使得技战术执行效果欠佳。此外,多线作战也给我们的夏日紧密赛事增加压力。在教练生涯中这样的情况相当罕见。然而,通过这些考验,我们团队变得更加团结,共同克服各种困难,比如因天气原因未打梅州的一场比赛。这些都极大锻炼了我们的意志品质,让精神更加强大。 ​ & #8203;: 我没有觉得那是一种绝望。坦率来说,当时唯一可行的方法就是相信自己。我坚信若表现出色,不应被失利左右情绪,相反仍有机会争取冠军。   关于申花与深圳平局后的变化
Muskate :The truth is, I didn't think about it at all. For me, it's a waste of time to focus on others or speculate about their outcomes. What matters is we need to concentrate our energy on doing our own work.
Brought in the "Musscat mark", how did you achieve this? Muskate : The fact that I truly believe we can play an appealing and exhilarating attacking football gives us every reason to win matches. It’s not arrogance but confidence because if I don't believe what I'm saying when addressing my players daily they won't buy into it either. When players are convinced by what you're instilling them with belief then you've laid down the foundation for success. Is your tactical philosophy consistent throughout your coaching career? Yes! While there may be adjustments based upon location/circumstance these fundamental principles remain unchanged as they form foundational aspects of building teams. In Shanghai's case working closely alongside assistants like Vincenzo/Ross allows targeted refinements tailored towards achieving effective results within Super League constraints while ensuring alignment over player capabilities/understanding required during execution phases. How do you view foreign vs domestic talent regarding current tactics used by Haigang FC? Fair assessment acknowledges significance role played across mid-attack zones where regaining possession quickly translates directly into offensive advantages—yet no less important contributions come from those facilitating transitions (like goalkeeper Yan Junling). Thus overall impact must consider varied functions performed collectively rather than merely focusing solely “foreigners.” We’ve built clear distinguishing features establishing winning identity reflecting prideful foundations created together!

从对手到教练:谢晖的蜕变与亚泰的新篇章 枪手进攻乏力:连续两场无运动战进球,仅依靠角球破门
