- 骑士(上周排名第1)
- 绿军(上周排名第2)
- 雷霆(上周排名第4)
- 独行侠(上周排名第5)
- 灰熊(上周排名第9)
- 勇士(上周 ranking 第8)
- 火箭 ( 上 周 排 名 第 3 ) li >
< li >尼克斯( 上 周 排 名 第 10)
li >
< li >魔术( 上 周 排 名 第 7)
li >
< l i >快船 ( 上 WEEK Ranking No.6 )
/l i >
< p />
11.热火 (上一周期排位:17)
12.森林狼 (上一周期排位:16)
13.掘金 (上一周期排位:11)
14.老鹰 (上一周期排位:18)
15.雄鹿 (保持不变,上期同为15) 16.太阳(previous week rank: 12)
  17.< b>< font color = "blue" >& nbsp;国王(b)( previous week rank :20) 18 .76人(previous week's position :26 ) 19.Lakers(last week's position:13)&nbps ; 20.Spurs(previous period of ranking:14) 21.Bulls(last week’s positioning:< span class='bg-light'>22 & nbps ; 22.Net's last round rankings were ranked at the upper limit of level number. 23.Pistons(their ranks in the last two rounds are respectively: s trong>b>=24 24.Raptors(The Raptors’ latest standings have dropped to their current second-to-last place overall.) 25.The Pacers, who finished above them before, also slipped a little bit this time. 26.Hornets(increased from previously placed as much as it was.) 27.Jazz(actually dropping further than expected). 28.Trail Blazers(somehow managed to fall below expectations despite some strong performances earlier on), 29.Pelicans(remain stagnant with no change whatsoever). 30.Wizards(fell woefully behind everyone else and remain stuck here). p>.