

seoxx 12-12 09:08 6次浏览






  1. 李铁 - 中国国家男子足球队原主教练(案件尚未审理,由咸宁中院负责)
    • 2022年11月26日: 李铁接受监察调查。
    • 2023年5月9日: 有消息称李铁已转移至看守所。
    • 2023年5月25日: 被曝即将移交检察院处理。
    • 2023年8月2日:  
               < / ul > / li > < strong> 杜兆才</强烈& gt;> 国家体育总局前副局长(一审未定,武汉市中级人民法院) & lt ; 强大 & gt ; 刘军 & lt;/强大的& 大于; 中超公司董事长(尚未开庭) 王小平
    原中国足协纪律委员会主任(尚未开庭) ) ) 【已 判 】 成都市足球协会原专职副主席刘刚,被判处有期徒刑8 年,并处罚金人民币70 万元。 中国足球协会原秘书长刘奕,被判处有期徒刑11 年,并处罚金360 万元。 中国足球协会裁管理部部长谭海, 被控以6 年6 月监禁并罚款20万元。 戚军,中国 足球 协会战略规划部 前 部 长 , 因 为对7年的监禁与60万 的惩罚 而受到指责 。 陈戌源,中国 足 球 协会 原 主席,无期徒 刑,剥夺 政治权利终身,同时没收个人全部财产。 China Football Association former vice chairman Li Yu Yi was sentenced to eleven years in prison and fined RMB one hundred million. The original vice president of the Chinese Football Association, Yu Hongchen, received a sentence of thirteen years in prison and a fine of two hundred thousand yuan. Former Executive Secretary General Chen Yong Liang from the Chinese Football Association was sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment with fines totaling Rmb2200000. In addition , Dong Zheng , who served as general manager at Super League Company for eight months , has been imprisoned for eight years and ordered to pay back two lakh renminbi . Ma Chengquan is also serving an eleven-year three-month term after being convicted on charges relating to his time spent as Chairman at this company . Huang Song's case regarding bribery while he led competitions within their department resulted in seven year sentencing alongside monetary penalties reaching sixty dollars . Gu Jianming previously held dual roles including President/Secretary General overseeing operations under both Sichuan Provincial Soccer Associations but now faces six-years jail-time plus forty-million-dollar penalty amounts respectively. Liu Lei once worked diligently towards enhancing public fitness initiatives across Wuhan City until implicated into corruption leading him instead receiving only twenty-six month sentences combined along side thirty-thousand dollar fees imposed against them when found guilty respectively by courts situated there locally nearby too according. Fuxiang—head director managing affairs involving local soccer teams located throughout that region —was handed down lengthy terms lasting upwards roughly approaching decade long stretches totalizing around nearly double figures worth overall punishment dished out finally since all were collectively charged together during these proceedings ongoing currently happening right now today still!
崔永熙因左膝受伤倒地 被扶回更衣室希望无大碍 小崔受伤离场,G联赛首战表现平淡
