瓜迪奥拉:No, 我不知道我们在这场比赛中的射门次数,上半场我们的表现非常出色,尤其是前10到15分钟。在点球之前,我们真的打得不错,但对方第一次进禁区就取得了进球。显然,在这个过渡期,我们可能会经历一些失败。当分析结果时,我们当然感到不满。但我认为球员们在这种情况下表现得相当棒。尽管没有实现预定目标,但我并未感到失望。有时候,我确实没看到很多让我喜欢的东西,不过今天情况并非如此。
瓜迪奥拉: strong > 是的,但是让我们再看看,如果能(进入前四)的话。 p > < p >< strong > 记 者 : strong > 哈 兰 德罚失点球 时 , 球 场内氛围似乎变糟了 。 在那一刻 , 球 员 和 球迷 感觉“事情又要输掉”...这样的情况已经持续了一段时间,你认为应该如何改变这一趋势? p > < p >< strong > 瓜 迪 奥 拉 : strong > 我们必须调整心态,这不仅仅与体育有关,而是生活本身也是如此。当面对这些困难的时候,这是可以接受的;我们还有时间,还有机会。此外除了最后几分钟出现混乱外,其余时候都踢得很好。这次赛事创造了许多机会,包括阿森纳和切尔西也未能攻破埃弗顿的大门,而我们的确做到了。队员们拼搏、奔跑令人难以置信,他们执行着所有指令。然而输了几场游戏是不理想的。但是今天我的感觉是真的踢得好! P > < P >< Strong > 记 者 : Strong>The team seems to have more injuries. Can you talk about the latest situation? For example, why were Walker and Grealish absent today?
Guardiola: Walker has flu; Grealish felt some muscle discomfort a day before training. Ederson also didn't feel well but I don't know the specific reason. I've talked with Ake; he made an enormous effort, which I'm very grateful for. However, he's currently in recovery and needs three weeks of time.
I told him that if he feels tired, just let us know. He controlled it well in the first half but found it tougher after halftime so we had to substitute him because there's another match in three days.
<强> 强 > ; </ b >& nbsp; em >& lt;p>& nbsp;Q:< / span>& #x4E2D;文 Q: 前 面 的 内容 显示 出 您 提 到 队 员 必 须 从 精神 上 振 作 起 来 , 明 显 地 他 门 多 年 都 一直 如 此 保持 冷 静 、 等 待 . 您现在 是否 感觉他 门 开始 怀 疑 自 己 ? (A) 不 , 我 相 信 能 有耐心 除此之外 最 后 几 分 钟 刀 向上 发挥 并 看 会不会发生什么事 所以还差一点得到一个入 (P) (Quotient): The football is all about winning games and scoring goals while not conceding any. We’ve been doing this throughout our season thus far. This month or even one-and-a-half months—we haven’t accomplished these tasks.” 【Note】: I’m uncertain whether their performance will be sufficient unless they can effectively communicate within themselves on how best to support each other as teammates moving forward into future matches! If there are concerns regarding league standings/European qualification—I don’t really care much either way since discussing individual performances during gameplay should take precedence over everything else when evaluating success rates amongst players involved here! Finally—regarding player absences/injuries impacting lineups ahead going into January transfer windows—it’s hard saying exactly what kind decisions may arise due solely upon current circumstances surrounding club dynamics overall—but certainly expect busy times coming soon enough given limitations faced right now too! So need coordination among those available working together efficiently until reinforcements arrive eventually later down road hopefully sooner than expected though!!