欧文独挑大梁 骑士西部之行全力以赴
周五314 美职篮 达拉斯独行侠 VS 菲尼克斯太阳 2024-12-28 10:00
- 近6次交手:太阳赢得4场、输掉2场。
周五315 美职篮 克利夫兰骑士VS丹佛掘金 2024-12-28 10:00
K骑士凭借26胜4负继续领跑全联盟,每场能够拿下121.8积分并仅失110.2。从最新的一轮看,他们124 -113击退爵士,实现了5连胜。其中米切尔22+7、加兰23+8,以及埃文·莫布里同样砍下22+10。本局开始后,将迎接四个强劲西部对手,对骑士来说将面临严峻考验。目前其9勝3負的客場戰績虽佳,但需警惕近期连续三个客盘中的损失。今年两支球队曾有过一次较量,当时骑士126–114轻松获胜,以精准三指数压制住掘金,因此此役值得期待。
Main Team Denver Nuggets: The Nuggets currently stand at a record of 16 wins and 12 losses, ranking fifth in the Western Conference with an average score of119 points per game while allowing116 to their opponents. In their last match-up against Phoenix, they fell short by losing1010 without any assists as well as making significant errors totaling up to twenty times during that span which proved costly for them overall. They have two key weaknesses right now; firstly being defensive issues where both Murray & Porter appear vulnerable under pressure from opposing teams whilst secondly having lackluster bench production averaging only about thirty-two total scores across games placing themselves fourth lowest league wide! In this season's previous matchup versus Cleveland however things were much different—starting five players combined scored ninety-eight whereas substitutes contributed just sixteen leaving room open again therefore leading into yet another obstacle standing before facing off against balanced Cavaliers team! History Record: Last six meetings display close calls between these squads featuring three victories each side!