随后, 记者询问有关巴迪与小佩顿配合的一次具体情况,“当时发生了什么事?你是否换防到了爱德华兹身上?”
Baddy:No, at that time GP wanted to continue guarding Edwards. His reaction was that he wanted to help defend first and then return to Edwards. He switched defense with DiVincenzo while I guarded Edwards. But he preferred the matchup because we all hoped Gary (Payton II) would guard Edwards due to his strong defensive skills.This was just a communication error; it should have been a switch on defense. We discussed this afterward, and Gary said ‘We’re brothers; we fight together.’ Payton is someone you can communicate with anytime—definitely one of the best teammates I've ever had.”/Baddy:.
The reporter further asked: “Are you keeping an eye on the Western Conference standings? The competition in the West is fierce right now—winning four or five games could place you fourth or fifth but losing might drop you down to tenth position. What are your thoughts?”